We’ve been posting responses from you about your orchids and how you care for them. Here’s another great one from Rick in the UK!
I hope you pick up a few ideas and tips. Plus you’ll see that we ALL (at least most of us) make some mistakes from time to time on our orchid growing adventure! 🙂
1. How many orchids are in your collection?
I have 14 total.
2. What is your most-prized orchid?
A yellow/orange one bought by my wife as a Christmas present.
3. How did you get started growing orchids, and how long have you been growing orchids?
I saw one in my daughter-in-law’s house, and thought it was paper or silk. Then on finding out that there were various colours and types, I started to look more closely at them with the intention of purchasing 1 or 2. That was about 2/3 years ago, and now I have 14.
4. Where do you live and what type of climate do you grow your orchids in?
I live in the south west of England, UK. The climate is warm but wet.
5. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made growing orchids?
I haven’t made any yet.
6. What are your favorite orchid resources to learn from?
I was using lending libraries until your book (link) came out on amazon which I purchased.
7. What’s the coolest trick you’ve ever learned growing orchids?
Well I suppose it must be the watering side of growing them. At first I used the ice cube method to be safe, but now I saturate them once a week, regularly, every Saturday a.m.
8. If you’d like to share any additional comments about your orchid love, please add it in the box below:
Only the fact that it was a surprise to find out that some are air plants and others grow as a fungus on other plants.
Do you live in the UK as well? What kind of orchids do you grow? Leave us a comment below!
If you want to have us possibly feature YOUR orchid collection here on Orchid Care Zone, please fill out our special form right here.
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