If you remember, a few weeks ago I sent out a special survey asking for YOUR input on the next orchid care resource I created.
Well, the results are in!
I listened to what everyone told me, and based on all the feedback, I’m excited to announce my brand new orchid care guide called…
“Phalaenopsis Orchid Care:
The Ultimate Pocket Guide to Moth Orchids”
Forget wading through 20 pounds of bloated textbooks. Now you can get all the phalaenopsis orchid care answers you need right at your fingertips in this easy-to-read, fun guide.
From little-known phalaenopsis history to buying tips, watering advice, fertilizing strategies, potting methods, dealing with pests, propagation checklists, ongoing care, a cheatsheet, pictures and more…
…it’s now all at your fingertips for proven, fast results with your phals!
And the best part as, you can get INSTANT access to it right now on ANY of your digital devices.
You see, chances are at this point, you’ve heard about Amazon.com’s Kindle ebook platform. It’s red hot, and more people buy Kindle books than hardback and paperback combined!
The cool thing is you can buy this ebook directly from Amazon and read it on ANY of your devices. iPad. iPhone. Android. Computer. Or even in your web browser. The software is totally free.
And get this: you don’t even have to own a Kindle to read this! You just need a free Amazon.com account (which you probably already have).
At only a few bucks, there’s no reason not to pick up your own copy today.
In this pocket guide, you’ll discover everything you need to know to have beautiful success with phalaenopsis orchids (the #1 most popular orchid).
=========== Go here to get your copy today: Phalaenopsis Orchid Care ===========
Beautiful blooms guaranteed!
Wishing you the best,
Mary Ann Berdak
P.S. – I’m VERY proud of this new guide. My team and I worked really hard to make this a “5-star” guide for you and would welcome your feedback both on Amazon’s site and via email.
Buy your copy right here: Phalaenopsis Orchid Care
Can I have my moth orchid sitting underneath a ceiling fan?
Having a ceiling fan in the room can help with air circulation, but you probably want your orchid to be near an east facing window. Thanks! – Mary Ann
Amazon has only a Kindle version. iPad doesn’t seem to have it. Is there a way to get a hard copy?
Hi Ron,
Actually you CAN read this on your iPad too. There’s a “Kindle App” to put on the iPad (or ANY other digital device) — you can read it on all devices.
– Mary Ann
Hi, I’m from Mexico, there is another form to buy the book Cattleya Orchid Care: The Ultimate Pocket Guide to Cattleya Orchids, printed version maybe??? I’m interesting in this title and in Phalaenopsis Culture Plus of A. Nightroad.
Hi – thanks for your comment. At this time we do not have a printed version of the book. I apologize, but we have it as a digital version, which you are able to read on any device including your computer. Thank you again! – Mary Ann
I have a lovely Phalaenopsis which bloomed for months last year. This year it has not bloomed although there are now two ‘keikis’ on the old flower spikes (exciting!). I am aware that best advice states not to repot an orchid ahead of blooming season – which would be around now as I live in the southern hemisphere and we are entering winter. However a couple of weeks ago I noticed that some of the roots looked like they were rotting and I thought I had better repot it fast. So I cleaned out the old pot, cut two small slits in the sides and repotted using slightly bigger pieces of bark, then watered with soluble orchid fertilizer. I left it for two days, and noticed that previously green roots are now a slightly grey colour. Am so hoping it won’t die! Did I do the wrong thing to repot? I figured root rot would kill the plant faster than repotting ahead of a potential blooming season (already lost a lovely little ‘phal’ to root rot!). Thanks!! X
I think you probably did the right thing. I think your logic was good in this situation. It sounds like you might have missed some bad spots accidentally. Your plant has undergone quite a bit of trauma, but if you don’t remove all of the bad roots, then your plant won’t survive that. I’m sorry! You are in a tricky situation, and I wish you the best of luck. Please let us know how it’s doing. – Mary Ann