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Discover the #1 most important step you should take to keep your orchid plants healthy, brilliant and insect-free...
Hard or soft growing? It's important you decide your goals BEFORE choosing a method...and you'll discover the pros and cons of each in our special course...
One of the biggest mistakes orchid growers can make is thinking "one location fits all" -- in part 2 of our orchid growing insider secrets course, you'll learn how to pick the perfect location for your little beauties...
How do you know if your orchid plant it truly dead or just in a dormant state preparing to bloom again for you? You'll find out in our free course!
A simple, easy method for knowing exactly when it's time for repotting your orchids and giving them the best orchid propagation chances possible...
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You'll be the envy of all your local orchid growers once you discover these orchid care strategies and tips...

SECRET #13: Find out why "unlearning" what you know is the key to your longterm orchid growing success. |

SECRET #17: Learn why your pods might contain over 186,300 seeds for orchid propagation!

SECRET #29: For the best orchid care possible, these are the 7 crucial, life-giving minerals your orchid needs to survive.
I am an avid fan of your orchid guide and growing tips. It is a great mind refrehner.Your guide help my orchids to give the care each varienty requires as I have many species of Orchids all grown as a hobby and not for commercial purpose.
Many thanks for the guidance Mary Ann.
Keep up.
Best regards
Thank you so much! I wish you great success with your orchids. 🙂
It makes me want to start again (after losing so many plants). I know with your help, I can successfully grow an awesome orchid.
Stay well
Yes! It’s true, when I propagate my orchids they become healthy n grow faster n starting to bloom. Thanks a lot n more power! GBU
I can’t wait to start re potting. Thanks for your tips
Thanks for your comment! 🙂 I’m glad these tips were helpful. Good luck! Let us know how your orchids are doing. – Mary Ann
love orchids but need to learn more and more
Well, luckily there are plenty of resources to help you do just that! That’s why we are here, and we’re happy to have you.
– Mary Ann
I have been reading your tips and this has helped me to acquire excellent blooms.
Which now causes praises and friends admiring the blooms.
That’s so great to hear! It’s always nice to hear that we’re helping people. Do you have a picture you’d like to share with us? 🙂 – Mary Ann
hi, i have four type type of orchid plants at my home, but it’s not blooming(very rear) i have lot of doubt to be clear.i living in a area which got 82F temperature in day time. i would like to know orchid need how many hours light for a day ?
What kinds of orchids are they?
I have only very, very recently become interested in orchids. My wife had one for her birthday last year and I bought her one this year on the same occasion. I think they are both phaeleanopsis (Hope I spelt it correctly!). I decided to try and find out more about the care of these beautiful plants, so, to Google I turned as is my wont when seeking obscure information. This, of course, led me eventually to this web site. I am now picking up tips daily. At first I only watered very sparingly and when the first plant flower spray had died off, it was tranferred to a cool place for a short time and then I noticed one day, after about 3 months two small growths which later turned into flower spikes and produced approximately 10 ten blooms over a period of about two months. After reading and watching your video clips I decided to increase the water quantities to this and the more recently purchased plant with amazing results! They are both throwing flower spikes which are heading skywards like homesick angels!!! I need to find a source of accessories for growing and supporting these blooms such as the support sticks and more particularly the ring to tie in the flower spikes. I live in the Nottingham area, in the UK and have several large garden centres nearby and wonder if the above requisites would be something they would stock? So, any information you could pass on to me regarding the above would be most appreciated. John H.
Hi John,
That’s fantastic! I’m glad we’ve been helpful to you! 🙂 Yes, I would try going to the garden centres like you mentioned. If they don’t have what you are looking for, they may be able to point you in the right direction. But there is always the trusty Google – just put the exact thing you are shopping for in. Here’s a link to an online store: http://www.tindaraorchids.com/stakes_clips.htm
– Mary Ann
I was given an orchid for my birthda and wan to keep it as lovely s it is how do I do to keep it growing and pretty?
That’s great! 🙂 Figure out what type of orchid it is. That will determine the type of care that it needs. We have many orchid tips on our blog, and for more detailed information, you can sign up for our Orchid Insider Club. – Mary Ann
i have different kinds of orchids, one of it is vanda,,, i wanted to know how to take care of vanda and how long will it be have it’s flower… It’s more than two years now that i this vanda and it,s growing bigger now but have no flowers at all… Please i need your reply.. Thank you and god bless…
Lhen of philippines
Here’s an article we have specifically about vanda care.
Vandas need a lot of indirect sunlight, water and fertilizer. Make sure you are providing your vanda with enough of these things. You may need to relocate it.
– Mary Ann
Have recently started again with orchids and am relearning about the care and success in growing and blooming my orchids.
That’s wonderful! I hope this site helps. Please let us know how it’s going. – Mary Ann
Your info is so useful to me. Many Thanks to you. Hope to see more and more tips. Appreciate very much. Ami de Silva
That’s wonderful to hear! That’s why we do this. 🙂 – Mary Ann
I just bought a big leaf orchad what is it thanks
Hi Ruth – I’m going to guess that it’s a phalaenopsis, but I highly suggest you Google images of phalaenopsis orchids as well as vanda orchids to compare. If that doesn’t help, I suggest going to a nearby nursery for some help. 🙂 Thanks! – Mary Ann
we got two orchids the same they grow grey fingers at the base can the plant be cut back, an can the long stems be trimed
Thanks for your comment. I just need a little more information. What kind of orchid do you have? Thanks! – Mary Ann
i have more thank 20 orchids mainly cymbidiums alsomsome cruucifix orchids and tree orchids plus minarure indoor type – my question is this: is it true that using a fertilizer could kill e plant and also why do some orchids flower and some not – i have had my cyms for around 5 yrs
Yes – you can hurt your orchid with fertilizer if you aren’t careful. You want to make sure you are following the weakly, weekly rule. Never use too much or apply to frequently. We’ve done several posts about fertilizing. Just do a search for that. 🙂
That’s a million dollar question. There are all sorts of tricks to try to get your orchids to flower. They are worth a shot. Here’s an article about cymbidium reblooming. – Mary Ann
to make mokaras and vandas bloom , is there a secret home made fertiliser. I have often noticed the ones sold in the nurseries are always in bloom.
Here are some articles that I hope will be helpful. http://www.orchidcarezone.com/a-z-vanda-orchid-care/ http://www.orchidcarezone.com/vanda-orchids-potting-tips/ http://www.orchidcarezone.com/orchid-fertilizer-how-to-select-the-best-orchid-fertilizer/ Thank you! – Mary Ann
the leaves on my orchids are leathery but the plant is blooming should I cut the leaves and repot the plant
I also have one that is healthy but has never bloomed what should I do to get it to bloom
What kind of orchids do you have? It sounds like you are either underwatering it or you have root rot going on from overwatering.
We have quite a few articles on getting orchids to bloom, but it is type specific. I would recommend you search for the right type and read those tips. 🙂 Thanks! – Mary Ann